Varicose vein treatment

A disease of the veins, expressed in a change in their shape, an increase in their size and a decrease in elasticity, is called varicose veins. With varicose veins, damage and degenerative changes occur in the valves and walls of those blood vessels, the location of which is immediately below the surface of the skin.

Causes of varicose veins

Healthy legs after varicose veins treatment.

The flow of blood in the venous system is characterized by a predominant movement against gravity, upwards. To prevent their reverse movement, there are valves (pockets) on the inner walls of the veins. When they fill with blood, they close, closing off the lumen of the vessel, allowing blood to pass in only one direction - from bottom to top. With malfunctioning valves, blood pools in the veins and they begin to stretch and lengthen into a bag-like shape, becoming tortuous and causing varicose veins. There are several theories that explain the appearance of malfunctioning valves in the veins.

  1. The theory of valvular insufficiency. Varicose veins develop due to improper redistribution of blood from the venous system, located deep within the superficial vascular network. This happens due to the congenital absence or insufficient functioning of the valves of the communicative veins.
  2. The neuroendocrine theory. Varicose veins appear due to the weak tone of the entire venous network due to hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause). Violations in the endocrine system lead to the fact that the blood supply to the veins increases, the lumen between them expands, the walls of the vessels become thinner, poor valve patency occurs.
  3. mechanical theory. Standing for a long time, compression of the veins leads to an increase in internal pressure in the vessels of the extremities.

Early and later signs of varicose veins. complications

thrombophlebitis with advanced varicose veins

At an early stage of varicose veins, there are no painful symptoms. Signs of early disease include: heaviness, fullness, fatigue, burning sensation in the legs. In the future, they are joined by such symptoms as: itchy skin, pain and cramps in the calf muscles. There are soft tissue seals, dark pigment spots. Over time, nodular thickenings, gyri, and saccular extensions become clearly visible. The phrase "vessel varicose" means "knotty, having multiple thickenings. "With varicose veins, serious complications can occur, such as:

  • acute thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels with the formation of blood clots);
  • bleeding with minor damage to blood vessels due to physical stress, overheating;
  • the formation of trophic ulcers, eczema, erysipelas.

Treatment of varicose veins is a long process and requires an integrated approach. It is important to use the entire arsenal of available means and methods of treatment aimed at further stopping the development of varicose veins and treating possible complications.

Alternative methods of treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

therapeutic bath for varicose veins

Biologically active substances in traditional medicine restore the normal appearance and tone of blood vessels and skin, help restore full blood circulation in the veins. Here are the most effective and proven recipes for extracts, decoctions, lotions, rubs for the treatment of varicose veins.

  1. Treatment of varicose veins with acacia tincture helps dissolve varicose veins. It is prepared as follows: 30-40 g of acacia insist in vodka for 7 days. Sore spots are lubricated for a month 3-4 times a day.
  2. Fresh lilac leaves are washed and applied to sore spots, securing with a bandage on top. Hold 30 minutes. From lilac leaves, you can also prepare a cold decoction, in which gauze is moistened and wrapped around the legs for 30 minutes. Treatment should be continued for at least 8 weeks.
  3. Peeled and grated horseradish root is put on the legs and secured with a bandage. After 10-20 minutes, remove the compress, rinse the leg with water.
  4. To 1 teaspoon of turpentine add a tablespoon of apple bite and the yolk of one egg, then mix in an enamel saucepan. Rub the sore spots at night every day. Treatment is continuous for 3 months.
  5. Cut the washed tomato into slices, put on a bandage, and then stick it to the legs. The compress is placed for 2-3 hours, then it is replaced with a new one. The number of replacements is 3-4 times.
  6. The affected areas of the legs are preliminarily soaped with laundry soap, baking soda is poured on top and covered with white cabbage leaves. The compress is fixed and left overnight. Varicose veins will clearly decrease in 4-6 months.
  7. In the treatment of varicose veins, angelica root is very effective. It is poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 4, insisted for 7 days in a dark place, then the resulting tincture is rubbed into the sores for a long time.

The best folk remedies for reducing blood coagulation, eliminating vasospasm, strengthening the walls of veins and capillaries for varicose veins, are creams and ointments with extracts of hop cones, thyme, horsetail, grape leaves red and mint. The essential oils they contain increase blood circulation in the veins and create a cooling effect. Such popular recipes for ointments provide productive treatment of varicose veins with excellent results.

  1. 200 gr ointment. lard, 150 gr. pine resin, 150 gr. Bee wax. In a water bath, all components are melted and mixed, 20 g are slowly introduced into the resulting composition. propolis. After cooling, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honeyWhen hot, the ointment is transferred to a sheet or gauze and the legs are wrapped overnight. The treatment gives results in the second week.
  2. An ointment is prepared from 3 parts of extracted lard and 1 part of pharmacy bile. It is applied in a thin layer to the places of varicose veins without rubbing.
  3. Mix 0. 5 tsp. starch with 3 tsp. powdered chamomile flowers and 5 tsp. ground chestnuts. The resulting powder is poured with hot duck fat, and the ointment is kept on a steam bath for 2 hours. Lubricate varicose vein areas in the morning and at night.
  4. Mix one yolk, honey, vodka. The mixture is applied to dilated veins, covered with polyethylene and warmly wrapped. The ointment is used at night for a month.

Such folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins, such as decoctions, are used orally. At the same time, they not only have a local effect on the affected vessels, but also purify the blood, reduce its viscosity, and thus improve its current. Here are some recipes.

  1. Treatment of varicose veins with thistle decoction. The flowering tips of the thistle are cut off and placed in a container, poured with water and boiled. The resulting decoction is taken orally 40 drops for 14 days, then a 14-day break and again a two-week course of administration. Treatment is carried out in three courses.
  2. A tincture of 200 g of grated nutmeg and 1 liter of vodka is aged for 12 days. Then the infusion is squeezed and filtered. Reception 15 drops 4 times a day. Varicose veins will stop bothering you.
  3. Mix 4 parts of horse chestnut flowers, 1 part of fragrant bison, 2 parts of yarrow, peppermint - 4, banana leaf - 2, hop cones - 2, lingonberry leaf - 2, chicory root - 4. 1 tablespoon. Imix pour 300 ml. boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take half an hour before meals, 100 ml 4 times a day.

When diagnosing varicose veins, it is very useful to take folk remedies with a blood-purifying effect. A good decoction of verbena (not seasick) is 3 tbsp. IFrom the unpleasant cosmetic problems that arise from varicose veins, these folk recipes will help get rid of them.

  1. In the morning and before bed, rub apple cider vinegar on varicose veins. The process is repeated for 2-3 weeks for 5 minutes.
  2. 2. Compresses for the night from a mixture of sour cream and fresh viburnum leaves ground into gruel (2: 1 ratio). Do 2 weeks.
  3. 3. Carry out foot baths with an aqueous tincture of a mixture of oak bark and willow roots (1: 5 ratio) before going to bed.

Home methods of treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

compression stockings for varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins at home should begin with simple measures to maintain the vigor and health of the legs. Simple physical exercises in the morning strengthen the muscle corset, strengthen the legs. Important exercises: roll round objects with the feet, "birch", "bicycle", lifting straight and bent legs, walking on the inner and back of the foot, on the toes. You can raise the tone of the veins affected by varicose veins with the help of baths with water of contrasted temperature. The legs are alternately lowered 15-20 times into a container of hot and cold water. At the end of the procedure, the legs are cleaned until redness appears. No worse than a massage, walking barefoot on the ground, pebbles, water, dew, snow will relieve leg fatigue. Sea salt contains many trace elements that help in the treatment of varicose veins and improve the condition of blood vessels. 1 tablespoon of salt is added to 1 liter of warm water and a foot bath is prepared. In the resulting saline solution, you can also moisten gauze and wrap it around the entire calf muscle. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. Varicose veins with cramps are removed by baths of decoctions of linden flowers and chamomile with honey. 2 tablespoons of herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for 10-15 minutes, then honey is added and the legs are lowered for 15-20 minutes. For the reabsorption of small blood clots within the veins, there isan excellent folk remedy - horse chestnut alcohol tincture. 10 grams chestnut skin I insist on 100 gr. alcohol for a week, then take every day 15 minutes before meals, 40 drops 2 times a day. Treatment course of 1, 5 months. If there are initial signs of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear special medical stockings, stockings, stockings. By tightening the muscles of the lower leg, they facilitate the return of blood to the heart and prevent dilation of the veins. When putting on compression underwear, you must clearly follow the rules: without getting out of bed, raise your legs vertically and hold them a little, in the same position as you need to put on elastic underwear. If you lower your legs to the floor and only then put on underwear, the incorrect state of the venous valves will be fixed, which means that the benefits of wearing will be reduced to zero. It should be understood that wearing anti-varicose underwear only stops varicose veins and does not eliminate the disease. At any stage of varicose veins, the fight against constipation is of particular relevance. Significant efforts applied during emptying heavily load the lower limbs and varicose veins begin to progress. Simple home remedies can and should get rid of it.

  1. On an empty stomach, drink a glass of tomato juice with the addition of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil.
  2. Mild cleaner gives linen kissel: 0. 5 litres. water 2 tbsp. flax seeds. Boil until thick, drink a warm glass one hour before meals.
  3. 1 tsp nettle seed powder mixed with 1 tbsp. I sunflower oil and is consumed 3 times a day.

Using folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins, you can minimize the painful symptoms of the manifestation of the disease. This treatment has several advantages:

  • side effects are minimal or non-existent;
  • it is less expensive than pharmacological treatment;
  • the effect of using ointments, decoctions, lotions, etc. it has been tested by several generations;
  • general strengthening effect not only on the vessels, but also on the whole organism.

With complicated forms of manifestation of varicose veins, the use of folk remedies is not enough. An acute or neglected venous disease condition requires conservative, medical and, in especially severe cases, surgical treatment. Today, the diagnosis of varicose veins, fortunately, is not a sentence; its development can not only be slowed down, but also successfully prevented, while preventing the occurrence of complications.